Serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) is a beautiful and sacred way to participate at Mass, assisting the Ordinary Ministers (the priest and deacon) in distributing the Eucharist.
To serve as an EMHC, the pastor asks for a commitment to:
Being a Catholic in good standing means:
The reverence, dignity, and importance of serving as a Eucharistic Minister at Mass - distributing the Body of Christ, his Real Presence - makes investing in periodic training important. It's also a great way to connect with others who serve alongside you at Mass.
Those who serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion should have a living, growing relationship with Jesus, regularly receiving the Eucharist, going to Confession, and in good standing with the Catholic Church.
Please read the EMoHC Principles and Requirements document before attending a training. This is to ensure we understand what the Church is asking of us in order to serve in this important role.