Retreat Weekend
February 28-March 2, 2025
Cost: There is no fee for the retreat. This was included in your initial registration at the beginning of the year.
Location: Caraway Conference Center in Sophia, NC (near Ashboro, NC)
Transporation: Bus transportation will be provided on Friday evening from St. Gabriel Church to Caraway Conference Center. Drop off teens for check in by 4:45pm on Friday at St. Gabriel Church. Transportation will not be provided on Sunday (parents will need to come pick up at the retreat site.) Parents are invited to arrive at 10:45am to be a part of our closing. The retreat weekend will conclude at 11:30am on Sunday.
Cell Phone Policy: Please do not bring cell phones. In the past, we have experienced problems with cell phones and we want to avoid those issues. Retreat is an opportunity to detach from the distractions in our daily life to take time to listen, reflect and be present to one another. We will provide contact information to you in the event that you need to contact your child. In addition, if your child needs to contact you, we will have them contact you from the conference center.
What do we need to pack?: Please see Parent Information Guide for complete packing list.
Parent Information Guide
We have put together a Parent Information Guide to answer any questions or concerns parents may have. After reading the Parent Information Guide, if you still have questions or concerns, please contact Lauren Piercefield.
Making the Decision
We know taking time away can be challenging with our schedules and activities but this weekend is designed not only to help youth prepare to receive the sacrament of confirmation but to have an encounter with Jesus Christ. Our young people today are making the decision at the early age of 13 to no longer be Catholic according to the CARA Report*. The Church, which includes parents and the parish community, have a responsibility to provide opportunities to encourage, challenge and invite youth to follow Jesus, to become a life-long disciple. A real relationship with Christ is possible and we have seen the transformation and impact that a retreat like this can have on young people.
Regisration Deadline: Register by February 14.
If you are ready to register your teen for the "Chosen for Greatness" Confirmation Retreat, please click on the following link to complete the registration form.
We Need Volunteers
In order to successfully provide an awesome weekend experience, we need parent volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Lauren Piercefield.
* Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate
"As a small group leader for the past 3 years and attending the retreat, I see the Confirmation Retreat as a key turning point in your teen's faith journey. You may not see the fruit immediately, but seeds will be planted." - Amy L., Core Member
"I love going to retreats because I get to be up close and personal with God. He helps me remember how much he loves and cares for me at times when I might’ve forgotten because of how busy and chaotic life can get. If you’re on the fence about going, I highly recommend taking that leap of faith. Retreats can be such a powerful and emotional experience and God can touch your heart in ways you may not expect or even know you needed. And never forget that God always knows what’s best for you and he knows every step you’re going to take, even when you don’t." - Emma J., Teen Leader