Whether you are single, a stay-at-home mom, working professional or retired/empty nester, our Women’s Ministry welcomes you! Walking with Purpose is a 22-week course, broken into fall and spring sessions. We meet most Wednesday mornings and evenings (babysitting, morning). To explore and learn more, join us for our next Connect Coffee - open to all women not currently participating in our study. No RSVP is needed.
Great marriages take time and investment. Strengthen your healthy relationship with essential tools and practical ideas for connection, communication, conflict resolution, and more.
Join us for an uplifting day of fellowship, food, and laughter as Laura Phelps, Catholic speaker and author, equips women to put on their spiritual armor, face daily battles, and win! Cost is $30, including lunch.
Bring your pet on a leash or in a carrier for a short blessing in celebration of the Feast of St. Francis. Meet at the Marian Grotto near the school parking lot.
All who are experiencing any mental, physical or emotional afflictions, are of an advanced age or facing surgery, are invited to join us following the 5:00 pm Mass the first Saturday of the month.
Newcomers Invited! Start here! Newcomers Connection is all about helping you get connected and involved at St. Gabriel. Join us after the 9:00 am Mass. Enjoy light refreshments, meet some of our staff, hear about next steps, and learn more about getting connected. We are excited to welcome you! Ministry Center - 1st floor (the 3-story building next to the church)
A monthly gathering of parents and students, where you’ll: Get to know other families Learn about our faith and how to bring it alive at home Participate in parent-only and student-only activities + family-activities, music, prayer, and fun Choose to attend the monthly family gatherings in the school cafeteria on either Sunday afternoons or Tuesday evenings . We ask you to attend the same day of the week each month.
A monthly gathering of parents and students, where you’ll: Get to know other families Learn about our faith and how to bring it alive at home Participate in parent-only and student-only activities + family-activities, music, prayer, and fun Choose to attend the monthly family gatherings in the school cafeteria on either Sunday afternoons or Tuesday evenings . We ask you to attend the same day of the week each month.
We invite young families from St. Gabriel Church to gather for our next event to meet other families and build community. Location: Green Space. In the event of rain, the location is the 1st floor of the ministry center.
Men's Event - Home Gathering
Join men of St. Gabriel for our first home-based gathering. We will connect in fellowship and listen to a talk that will encourage and challenge us as men. We are thankful to Juan Gomez for hosting the event at his home.
The event will provide a catered meal with drinks provided.
Limited space available.
Senior adults, join us for lunch, fellowship, and inspiration. There is no cost to attend. RSVP deadline is Monday, October 14, to 704-362-5047, ext. 276 - please leave a message with your name and the number attending.
Help prepare or serve dinner at the Roof Above/Men's Shelter. Two shifts available. Ages 18+ for preparing dinner and 16+ for serving dinner. Details here.